Welcome to our resource hub for educators and any adults interested in thinking about science-religion communication with young people.
Here you can find resources (books, podcasts, video clips, lesson plans and other useful websites) specifically for adults hoping to encourage, and make space for, young people’s questions about science and religious faith. Some resources will feed your thoughts about why this might be worth doing, and others will help you with the practical delivery of these opportunities. The latter type of resource features age brackets, showing the target age of the resource.
- For science-religion resources created specifically for children and young people, please visit our resources page for Faraday Kids (ages 2-11) or Faraday Teens (ages 11-18).
- For science-religion resources for adults, we recommend taking a look at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, where you can explore these topics more for yourself – including 2-page summaries, videos and recorded talks.

Lesson plans: Big World, Big Ideas: Religion and Science
RE Today (publisher), Julia Diamond-Conway (editor), The Faraday Institute (author)
A primary teaching resource to help students find out more about how both science and religion work, and the relationship between the two.

Lesson plans: Integrate – A faith & science curriculum
Integrate is a curriculum designed for Christian settings in the USA (for home-schools, private Christian schools and home use alongside schooling), where students are given the opportunity to learn about modern science, explore theological and ethical questions raised and cultivate virtues.

Lesson plans: Primary Classroom Resources
The Faraday Institute Youth and Schools team, and Science Online, New Zealand Ministry of Education
These lesson plans give students space to explore interdisciplinary science-faith questions and the nature of science – providing key skills for facing questions in our complex, science and technology-filled world.

Lesson plans: Secondary ‘Nature of Science’ Classroom Resources
The Faraday Institute Youth and Schools team, and Science Online, New Zealand Ministry of Education
These lesson plans give students a greater awareness of the nature of science – its role, methods, power and limitations – so they can engage wisely, critically, and creatively with the scientific way of knowing.

Lesson plans: Secondary RE Classroom Resources (English)
The Faraday Institute Youth and Schools team, and Science Online – New Zealand Ministry of Education
These curriculum-relevant lesson plans give students an opportunity to explore interdisciplinary science-religion topics covered in religious education classes.

Lesson plans: Secondary RVE Classroom Resources (Welsh)
The Faraday Institute Youth and Schools team
These curriculum-relevant lesson plans give students an opportunity to explore interdisciplinary science-religion topics covered in religion, values and ethics lessons.

Lesson plans and resources: Test of FAITH resources for young people
Ruth Bancewicz (Editor)
These resources accompany the Test of FAITH film, which explores the relationship between science and religion through the lenses of scientist-believers and theologians. Materials are provided, free of charge, for use in school, home-school and Christian youth settings.

Sparks cards
God and the Big Bang
These sparks cards help groups think and chat about science, faith, philosophy and more. With no answers provided, these discussion cards provide a great opportunity to uncover, and listen to, different views about big, multidisciplinary questions.

Website: Never Off Topic (Primary)
LASAR (Learning About Science And Religion)
A website packed with exciting activities and resources to help teachers teach science, particularly evolution, and also to explore the relationships between science and religion, with primary aged students.