Hi! This is a space for you to explore questions about Science, Religion and the Environment.
Choose your age range, below, and then enjoy the content tailored just for you!
Below, you will find some questions and thoughts about God, the environment, endangered animals and taking care of our planet. You can also meet different experts who work in this field, and find relevant resources to help you explore this topic further.

Questions & Answers
More Questions?
Do you have questions which aren’t covered here? That’s great! Questions are great, and we’d love to help.
If the question is on this topic, please get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help you explore your question.
If your question is on a slightly different topic, take a look at some of our other topics, activities and resources to see what you can discover.
Theologians, philosophers and Scientists of faith who explore this topic area
Related Activities
Bug Hotels & Bird Feeders
Do your bit to look after the wonderful animals in your world by making them cosy homes and tasty treats.
Chocolate ‘Earth’s Crust’
Watching what happens when you heat & cool chocolate can help us learn about the amazing properties of our world. Watch it become “melty”, and then set solid like Earth’s hard crust!
London Natural History Museum: Try This at Home
Experience a world of discoveries from home!
Minibeast Hunt
Let's go exploring and meet amazing creatures in your own little corner of the world.
Volcano Explosion!
One way to see some of the incredible power in the world around us is with a homemade volcano!
Related Resources

101 Great Big Questions about God and Science
Lizzie Henderson & Steph Bryant
101 Great Big Questions asked by children, with fascinating responses from leading experts in the areas of science, theology, philosophy and beyond!

Book of Wonders
Alex Taylor & Faraday Kids
Published by Scripture Union, ‘Book of Wonders’ is a captivating, beautifully illustrated book that helps children to explore science and Christian faith. Get ready to dive into a world of discovery and wonder!

Book of Wonders – Activity Book
Alex Taylor & Faraday Kids
Enhance your ‘Book of Wonders’ experience with this accompanying A4 activity book, filled with puzzles, experiments, activities, colouring and more.

God’s Cosmic Cookbook
Elizabeth Cole (Author) Patrick Laurent (Illustrator)
With gentle humour and fun illustrations, this book confidently combines ideas from Christian faith and science as God-the-chef helps readers navigate the Big Bang, Goldilocks stars, black holes and the beauty and wonder of life unfolding.

I Love God’s Green Earth
Micheal & Caroline Carroll
Daily devotionals with Bible verses, information, suggested activities and jokes to help kids think about environmental issues from a Christian perspective.

Science Geek Christy and her Eco-Logbook
Petra Crofton
Meet Christy, a determined young girl who is passionate about protecting the planet she believes God made. Can she, and her school mates, find an eco-friendly to travel to Ecuador for the trip of a lifetime?

Scientists of Faith
Christy Monson
Meet thirty-one brilliant men and women from different countries, time periods, and scientific disciplines who all share one thing in common: an unshakeable faith in God.

See Inside Science
Alex Frith and Colin King
A fabulous flap book demonstrating basic scientific ideas in simple, engaging ways – covering different branches of science, including astronomy, ecology, chemistry and physics.

Song: God of Science
Rend Collective
This song helps young people interested in Christian faith celebrate God’s creativity through a fun and engaging list of wonderful things in the Universe.

Video: A Very Brief History of The Universe (Virtual Reality)
Faraday Kids
A virtual reality video which will send you hurtling through the entire history of the universe in under 4 minutes!