Do you have questions about science and religion?
If you’re aged between 11 and 18, this space is for you to explore your big questions about science, religious faith and more.
You can check out responses to questions asked by others, meet experts who study ideas from science and/or religion, take a look at resources we recommend for further reading, and explore our recommended activities to do some science yourself!
Latest Activities
We've picked some of our favourite activities and experiments to help you bring out your inner explorer of science, faith, art and more! What questions come to mind as you explore the amazing universe we're a part of?
Star Spotting
Head outside on a clear dark afternoon or evening and see if you can spot the moon, some stars or even planets!
Volcano Explosion!
One way to see some of the incredible power in the world around us is with a homemade volcano!
Latest Resources
This list includes some of our favourite resources for exploring science-faith interactions. They each explore their topic in a way which either actively links science and faith or prepares the way for further questions and deeper thinking about science and faith, and how they might interact.
Book of Wonders
Alex Taylor & Faraday Kids
Published by Scripture Union, ‘Book of Wonders’ is a captivating, beautifully illustrated book that helps children to explore science and Christian faith. Get ready to dive into a world of discovery and wonder!
Book of Wonders – Activity Book
Alex Taylor & Faraday Kids
Enhance your ‘Book of Wonders’ experience with this accompanying A4 activity book, filled with puzzles, experiments, activities, colouring and more.
God’s Cosmic Cookbook
Elizabeth Cole (Author) Patrick Laurent (Illustrator)
With gentle humour and fun illustrations, this book confidently combines ideas from Christian faith and science as God-the-chef helps readers navigate the Big Bang, Goldilocks stars, black holes and the beauty and wonder of life unfolding.
I Love God’s Green Earth
Micheal & Caroline Carroll
Daily devotionals with Bible verses, information, suggested activities and jokes to help kids think about environmental issues from a Christian perspective.
Science Geek Christy and her Eco-Logbook
Petra Crofton
Meet Christy, a determined young girl who is passionate about protecting the planet she believes God made. Can she, and her school mates, find an eco-friendly to travel to Ecuador for the trip of a lifetime?
Science Geek Sam and his Secret Logbook
Corien Oranje & Cees Dekker
A top scientist and a well-known children’s author tells a fact-filled and thought-provoking story, looking at key questions about science and faith through the eyes of a curious ‘science geek’ and his classmates.